Well, 72 years around the sun and approaching 73 this year but thank God the body is still working pretty good. It takes a bit more to do the usual things but the key is keep exercising, stretching, get the check ups and keep a watchful eye on your health and diet. The cold water has definitely been the biggest challenge yet! Even with the thickest gear possible the extremities get numb pretty quick but not until after I capture the shots!
John Pritchard still has the goods!
Quite a few shows going on this year too. With the El Nino the weather is going to be a factor, whether you believe it or not. The more shows you enter the better chances a few will actually happen and not be hampered by the weather. Best to be prepared as opposed to being sorry.
Hope to see many of you at the shows this spring and fall and of course, if you want any photos or prints just send me the image you would like along with the size and media and I can get it to ya. Thanks to everyone who has supported my paintings and photography all these years, lets keep it going!