The amount of hurricane swells after an incredibly flat summer has been so welcomed! It just keeps coming with those warm ocean temps too.
Robyn Soergel
It’s also been nice to get some of my photos accepted by Surfline for their “Stories”. This one was of Hurricane Lee, with Robyn Soergel.
Martin Bardoun hurricane Lee
Riley Scharver, Hurricane Lee
Looking forward to a few fall shows this year as well. The end of Sept. into the first week of Oct. is the Neptune show. I’ll be on the corner of 29th street at the Oceanfront in front of the Oceanfront Inn. Thanks to Andy and Ann Vakos for helping me out! The following weekend weather permitting will be the Ocean View show and after that the MOCA Boardwalk show, also on the corner of 29th Street on the boardwalk. Hope to see some of you there. This is a great opportunity to support my work even if you just stop by to say hello.