We just got back from our annual sojourn to Playa Venao, Panama during the "green season" and green it was. The surf did not deliver as it usually does but there were some very fun waist to chest high waves the first few days and plenty of ridable surf each day after that.
Getting into the surf shore break was interesting!
FooFoo, the owner of the only surf shop at El Site was shredding as usual.
The abundance of Rufous hummingbirds was a real treat right outside our door.
another one!
rainbow winged beauty.
After countless hours in the water shooting with my goPro, the results were an abysmal failure due to the lack of off shore winds and sediment washing into the ocean from the river.
Picture yourself here....no stress...no worries...
Fun's over, now back to work. August is going to be jamming with shows!